POTW: Not wearing ties is the POTW, who is a teenage boy, born with ambiguous genitalia and was assigned to the male sex - something his parents decided he should never ever know. Because they believe in healthy communication. He collapses after scoring the winning point for his basketball team and after his parents demand no one inform him of his unusual genetic makeup. Then they conduct the first round of tests by saying they think he needs an MRI. Nice Guy House allows this despite knowing it is a blind alley. But since the team runs down so many blind alleys anyway, what's one more?
Huddy: No baby drama. Not even a single mention of the baby. Instead everyone is too freaked out by House's apparent good mood as evidenced by him being somewhat polite and agreeing to the parental demands. Eventually everyone decides he's on heroin and they aren't far off. It's actually methadone, which allows him to walk without a cane. Wilson even talks Cuddy into allowing House to keep taking the methadone and keep his job, which is just this side of insane. But love is blind, deaf and dumb. Emphasis on the dumb.
Foreteen: They are more concerned with who knows they are back together. Kutner and Taub both think it's good they were forced to break up, but quickly enough realize that they are still together. They try a couple little tricks to seem like they are trying to stay a step ahead of House, but he's too happy to not be in pain to notice that they are still shagging. I just can't buy them as a couple. They lack the chemistry to carry a real romance. I think it's a combination of Foreman's referenced robotic emotional spectrum paired with 13's constant state of irritation.
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