The show begins and not only is Adam Lambert in the spotlight, but Danny and Kris are as well. Will Katherine hate it quite as much if they all get to do it?
As the opening credits roll, I must tell you that I got a new laptop. It's teeny tiny and I love it.
OK. On to the show. The chick from Lie to Me is in the audience. You'd think they'd have someone from Fringe there to focus on since the finale is tonight. What do I know? I only work in promotion.
Ryan tells us we are down to the three amigos and then intros the judges, who are, unfortunately, not able to be called the three amigos due to that extra baggage seated between Randy and Paula. Boo.
The top three hit the stage and Kris Allen looks awkward and out of place between the other two heavy weights. He seriously looks as if he believes he doesn't belong there. I believe he is right. Allison was robbed!
First up, we head to Danny Gokey's hometown of Milwaukee and learn that Danny is singing Paula's song choice, “Dance Little Sister” by Terrence Trent Darby.
He looks like he's constipated - I mean, concentrating. This is a terrible song choice for him. This is so not good. AND, this is the first time that I will admit Danny MAYBE should have gone home last week. Allison was robbed!
Randy says, “Let the games begin.” He then refers to this as the way to jump it off tonight and calls the performance “dope.”
Dead weight likes that Paula picked this song b/c it keeps Danny in his “money spot.” She did not like the gyrating dancing though and she isn't sure she will remember the performance tomorrow. What's HER name again?
Paula is a choreographer and she thinks he did really good...fantastic even.
Simon thinks the dancing was a bit desperate but his biggest problem was the toy sax solo in the middle. He apparently liked it – though he didn't say so in so many words. He does, however, think it was the wrong song choice.
Next, we head to Arkansas to learn that Kris' first song was chosen by Randy(they list Kara's name as well, but let's be honest, she just parrots whatever Randy says). He is singing “Apologize” by One Republic.
Kris is on piano tonight and his face is in full force Mayer mode. He is sliding to the notes and it's killing my ears. His tone is inconsistent. This is karaoke for me...very amateur. I am so not loving tonight so far. Alison was robbed!
Randy rambles and doesn't give much of a critique.
The bane of my existence says it was a really confident performance but she thinks Kris didn't hit it out of the park. She says he should take more chances by doing something like playing accoustic guitar. 'Cause nothing says “guts” like something you've done before. God, I hate her.
Princess P heard a loud bum note but she is so proud of Kris. She says all three of them are worthy of the top two spots. Based on that non-critique, I'd say Paula is fibbing.
Simon calls what Kara said a “cop out.” He tells her that she can't choose a song for someone and then blame them for doing the song. Note to Simon: Randy chose the song. He says it was a competent version of the original but not quite as good.
Argument between Simon and Kara/Randy ensues b/c Simon says they should have worked out the arrangement for Kris. Randy claims he didn't know they were allowed. C'mon guys, we all know the show is steered by the judges and producers. Don't act like the contestants make the decisions themselves
As the opening credits roll, I must tell you that I got a new laptop. It's teeny tiny and I love it.
OK. On to the show. The chick from Lie to Me is in the audience. You'd think they'd have someone from Fringe there to focus on since the finale is tonight. What do I know? I only work in promotion.
Ryan tells us we are down to the three amigos and then intros the judges, who are, unfortunately, not able to be called the three amigos due to that extra baggage seated between Randy and Paula. Boo.
The top three hit the stage and Kris Allen looks awkward and out of place between the other two heavy weights. He seriously looks as if he believes he doesn't belong there. I believe he is right. Allison was robbed!
First up, we head to Danny Gokey's hometown of Milwaukee and learn that Danny is singing Paula's song choice, “Dance Little Sister” by Terrence Trent Darby.
He looks like he's constipated - I mean, concentrating. This is a terrible song choice for him. This is so not good. AND, this is the first time that I will admit Danny MAYBE should have gone home last week. Allison was robbed!
Randy says, “Let the games begin.” He then refers to this as the way to jump it off tonight and calls the performance “dope.”
Dead weight likes that Paula picked this song b/c it keeps Danny in his “money spot.” She did not like the gyrating dancing though and she isn't sure she will remember the performance tomorrow. What's HER name again?
Paula is a choreographer and she thinks he did really good...fantastic even.
Simon thinks the dancing was a bit desperate but his biggest problem was the toy sax solo in the middle. He apparently liked it – though he didn't say so in so many words. He does, however, think it was the wrong song choice.
Next, we head to Arkansas to learn that Kris' first song was chosen by Randy(they list Kara's name as well, but let's be honest, she just parrots whatever Randy says). He is singing “Apologize” by One Republic.
Kris is on piano tonight and his face is in full force Mayer mode. He is sliding to the notes and it's killing my ears. His tone is inconsistent. This is karaoke for me...very amateur. I am so not loving tonight so far. Alison was robbed!
Randy rambles and doesn't give much of a critique.
The bane of my existence says it was a really confident performance but she thinks Kris didn't hit it out of the park. She says he should take more chances by doing something like playing accoustic guitar. 'Cause nothing says “guts” like something you've done before. God, I hate her.
Princess P heard a loud bum note but she is so proud of Kris. She says all three of them are worthy of the top two spots. Based on that non-critique, I'd say Paula is fibbing.
Simon calls what Kara said a “cop out.” He tells her that she can't choose a song for someone and then blame them for doing the song. Note to Simon: Randy chose the song. He says it was a competent version of the original but not quite as good.
Argument between Simon and Kara/Randy ensues b/c Simon says they should have worked out the arrangement for Kris. Randy claims he didn't know they were allowed. C'mon guys, we all know the show is steered by the judges and producers. Don't act like the contestants make the decisions themselves
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