Thursday, March 12, 2009

danica mckellar

GLENN BECK, HOST: Now, joining me to help understand the math behind $1 trillion is Danica McKellar. She is the author and bestseller — what's the name of your — what's the name of your book?
DANICA MCKELLAR, AUTHOR, "KISS MY MATH": I got two books. I got "Math Doesn't Suck" and "Kiss My Math."
BECK: You are a — do you recognize her face, America? If you watched "The Wonder Years."
BECK: I think I love her more than — on "The Wonder Years."
OK. But here's the other problem. The other problem is, these numbers don't mean anything.
MCKELLAR: Yes. The numbers — because, you know, and part of the problem with numbers not meaning anything is because this country loves math illiteracy for whatever reason. People are proud to say, oh, I can't do math. But nobody would ever say, oh, I can't read. You'd never hear that.
BECK: So, you're — but now, you're a math genius.
MCKELLAR: I do love math. I didn't used to love math.
BECK: I hate math.
MCKELLAR: In middle school, I used to struggle with math. And what I want to do is take the stigma off of math, especially for girls, especially for kids, because our next generation is going to get into our next spring, whenever that is, they need to be comfortable with numbers

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