Disney today announced the launch of D23, the first official community for Disney fans in the Company's 85-year history. Through D23, fans will go backstage and behind closed doors to get the inside scoop from every part of Disney, while experiencing the nostalgia, adventure and fantasy of Disney as never before."We have a fantastic legacy that started in 1923 and is based on timeless stories, beloved characters and unforgettable experiences, but it's our fans that keep the spirit of Disney alive year after year, generation after generation," said Disney President and CEO Bob Iger at the Company's annual shareholder's meeting. "D23 is our way of saying 'thank you' and celebrating our fans, who bring the magic of Disney to life every day in every corner of the world."
As a part of this new Disney fan experience, today also marks the launch of D23's new quarterly publication, Disney twenty-three; the all-new D23 Web site at Disney.com/D23; and a new collectibles line, The Walt Disney Archives Collection, which was created specifically with D23 members in mind. D23 also will host special events for its members throughout the year, highlighted by the organization's signature event, the D23 Expo, which will be held in Anaheim this September 10-13.
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