Visiting her website Feldt espouses empowering women to speak-up, what she left out was that it damned well better be about something she approves of! Do we all have to walk in lock-step? Do we all have to be Gay- Do we all have to think with our ovaries? Do we all have to suffer white guilt? Can’t we be individuals? What the hell does Pro Choice mean to you - your choice not mine? Ms. Feldt - you don’t speak for me - don’t get on TV and make me and other feminists look bad! It’s you that needs a transplant - speak for yourself not for America’s Women, we are tired of NOW, Women Count , The New Agenda and every other damned group speaking for us.
Why “Speaking Up”?I created because I believe passionately in the power of your voice and mine to make a difference.
On my blogs, we speak up together about Heartfeldt Politics, Courageous Leadership, and Powered Women. And I offer dynamic and inspiring keynote speeches on these topics to your groups.
Who in the hell is this woman to go on TV and hurl such an insult at another woman for speaking her mind and pretend that she is a feminist speaking on behalf of American Women> Does she speak for you? She doesn’t speak for me- let’s tell her to mind her own damned business!
First runner-up Carrie Prejean when asked about gay marriage from a gay blogger judge, said, well, no “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman”. Women do not have to agree with her but we do not have to attack her for her opinion. Gloria Feldt, on O’Reily Friday night bitterly attacked her and topped it off when she said “She should have had a heart transplant rather than a breast implant!” She then tried to pass that off as acceptable behavior. Well it is not!
So let me get this straight- we cannot attack anyone but straight white women in this country? They are not only fair game – it is open damned season on them 24/7, 12 months a year by anyone, anywhere, anytime and for any damned reason at all? Is that right? Carrie Prejean caught by surprise answered the question honestly based on her beliefs which the last time I checked she is entitled to and in return she is then premeditatedly attacked by a so called feminist blogger for doing so. This is a case of feminists gone wild. A feminist not only speaking out against a young women viciously but speaking out for feminists across America- speaking out for us - in our name! CRY FOWL!!!
Ever since this incident- every liberal outlet has attacked this gal every chance they get. Why? Why is she labeled anti Gay- she isn’t? She has a right to an opinion yet she has been ridiculed and has had her character assassinated and finally feminists like Gloria Feldt has come out with this Cat attack! Meow
Gloria, grow up, shame on you. We do not viciously attack another woman in that manner for any reason let alone for having an opinion. And one more thing dear- do not speak for me and the rest of America’s women - the last blogger that did that - still has not heard the last of me. America’s women are tired of being told what to think and how to vote - we can think for ourselves!
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